Rekindling the Art of Writing Letters

WAIT! Just for a moment put aside everything that you are doing, grab a pen and paper and write a LETTER.

"A Letter?" you may ask
"Yes! A letter...." to friend, to parents, to someone you love or someone you loved... Probably just a couple of lines starting with Dear xxx :)
Why this now? Let's together rekindle the art of writing letters.
आज्जीच पत्र  खरच हरवलय। .... पहा! सापडत का ?
A few weeks ago, while clearing my dad's closet I came across a bunch of letters, neatly filed.  He had exchanged letters with grandmother and aunt during his younger days. His life, my childhood, my brother’s birth was all treasured in them. I literally lived a moment with him through those letters.

Again, during a work pitch today I tumbled upon the topic "Missing Art of writing letters". I was reassured that this "ssup bro" generation is missing out so much by not writing or receiving letters. Thus! this small effort from me to preserve the art of writing letters.

The anxiety before opening the envelope the smiles and tears that follow is all lost with the lost art of writing letters.
The numerous letters we wrote in our exam papers to xyz company asking for leave. GONE
The letters that mother wrote marking absence from school. GONE
The letters exchanged with uncle after he was posted as a cop in a far of land. GONE
The letters wrote to express first love. Sadly GONE
Those little hand written notes that made rounds of class during lectures. ARE GONE TOO

The letters that brought happy news, the letters that devastated life. Everything today is lost to some apps on mobile phones. Don’t even get me started on feeling of having a pen friend, or joy dropping letter in the red letter box or waiting for the postman.

We no more have those colourful address books like our grandparents had. My grandfather still manages to find the contact details of anyone  in his little book. If I dig a little deeper I might even write to the queen or pope.

May be our words are not be tucked behind in a closet anymore, may be our words are rolled straight into bin. But always remember that hand written letters bring warmth to every relation. Letters are tiny stories waiting to be told.

Let’s together keep this art alive. Let’s write before its too late…  

If you agree, don’t forget I TOO AM WAITING FOR A LETTER 😊 
Also, drop in your addresses

Vrushali Negandhi
Unified Advisory Services
6, Meghdoot
Opp Kikabhai Hospital
Sion (E)


Abhay Kharat said…
Awesome ill be happy to write one.
Its good that someone is taking an initiative to get good things lost.
Unknown said…
True Vrushali :) Beautifully expressed.
Unknown said…
True Vrushali :) Beautifully Expressed.

Your friend
Unknown said…
Beautifully written... Yes indeed, we are missing the magic of the letters, the hidden messages, the handwritings,... Thank you for taking me back... Will surely pen down something soon :)
Sunayana Mohite said…
Hi, Vrushali,very well elaborated,I used to like to write letters in my young age. Enjoyed.Let's start again. All d very best for your try. Tc.
Sunayana Mohite said…
Hi, Vrushali,very well elaborated,I used to like to write letters in my young age. Enjoyed.Let's start again. All d very best for your try. Tc.
Unknown said…
Awesome, well explained all the best
Unknown said…
Awesome well explained all the best Vrushali

Sanjeev Hunnargikar
Mandy said…
Very well written Vrush..Flashes of all the moments experienced during receiving & posting letters framed in front of my eyes. Thanks for reminding those days. Nostalgic!