I met her one evening, she moved just like my shadow only happy, carefree, wild.
Freckles on face so familiar - the deep dark eyes and smile so mild...
 I was busy in conversations about bigger house and worried about how tomorrow will turn to be...
She looked at me like some creature petty and then closed her eyes to enjoy the tiny drops of rain that added to her glee....
 I’m not the best, House is in mess - I could see myself sink under fears of life...
she was floating up in skies without crippling worries to strive and to survive...
 I am all suited, running ahead of ticking clock, chasing mirage of destiny...
she was happy with her dreamy walk along with her blue sky, green field and those faces funny
 I met her yesterday while on a cookie trip to parallel tree where bloomed happy flowers with  dusky dreamy thought....
With a splash of water she just faded away, leaving behind a way of life and just internal riots to be fought...
 23 August 2018
 6:15 pm
